



  • Very breathable
  • Prevents the appearance of moisture and salt stains.
  • Easy application.

[availability] IN STOCK [/availability]




  • Application temperatures between 5 and 35 ºC.
  • Do not apply on frozen surfaces or those with a risk of frost within 24 hours after application, or exposed to full sun or very hot.
  • Do not apply in poorly ventilated areas to avoid possible condensation.
  • Do not cover with non-breathable materials such as plastic paints, enamels, stone, ceramics, .



Breathable coating for the treatment of humidity by capillary rise.
Highly breathable mortar for the restoration of walls affected by humidity and efflorescence. Both in new construction for preventive treatment of future damp due to capillary ascension and in rehabilitation for immediate sanitation of areas affected by capillary rise humidity.