



  • Admix SEC L allows reduction of the Water / Cement ratio by 8 to 12%. 
  •  Admix SEC L gives to concrete lasting water tightness against capillary bleeding and pressurized water. 
  • Admix SEC L reduces shrinkage.
  • At dosage rate higher than 1.5% of cement mass, the delay for the beginning of setting of concrete can be increased, depending on the quantity of cement used.


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Admix SEC L is a water-reducer plasticizer and waterproofing agent for concrete. Added to the mixing water in concrete, it deflocculates the cement particles and reduces the surface water tension, leading to reduction of the mixing water, greater workability, and complete hydration of cement.

Surface of ApplicationCeiling, Roof, Wall, Floor

PACKAGE: 1000 Lt, 200 Lt, 25 Lt
