

  • Quick commissioning for floors with road traffic  .
  • Excellent resistance to flexotraction and abrasion.
  • Retraction compensated: high resistance to cracking.
  • Pumpable: high productivity.
  • High planimetry.


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  • Do not apply on exterior floors. Use in this case weberfloor light structural, weberfloor firm or weberfloor 4630 industry lit.
  • For its installation in soils with permanent humidity, with problems of the phreatic level susceptible to humidity due to capillary rise, consult our technical department.




Industrial self-leveling mortar reinforced with fibers
High performance self-leveling technical polymeric screed in a thin layer with thicknesses of 5 to 30 mm for renovation and leveling of industrial pavements and car parks that require a demanding planimetry and high resistance to moderate trafficor intense. Thanks to its self-leveling power, it allows obtaining surfaces with a high flatness and a very fine finish, ideal for finishing with resin coatings and with high productivity as it is suitable to be pumped. It allows a quick commissioning both to cover and to open to traffic as it is setting and fast drying, in addition to a high resistance to cracking by retraction compared to a conventional self-leveling as it is retraction compensated.
